Fiona 12th November 2021

Today (during the service) you said all the things that I remember about Lizzie, although I knew her for such a short time. Her sense of fun, smile and her generosity were so impactful! I'm not surprised that she did not complain during her illness and that she was not afraid to die. She was such a beautiful example of a godly woman... One of my memories of her at college was the shopping bag she retrieved from her car if I mentioned that I was hungry. In a few seconds she would have a banquet on the table of fruit and healthy snacks! She also passed on many pearls of wisdom to me in class. This is one of them..."When you are writing an essay think of it like furnishing a room, only choose your best pieces to have on don't put everything on show because it is overwhelming. Be selective..." I have never forgotten this and it still serves me well today. (Fiona Taylor student from NTC)